和文 | 英訳 |
ロシア兵捕虜収容所 | The Russian POW Camp |
一昨年から放映されてきたNHKのドラマ「坂の上の雲」が、来月放映予定の第3部で完結します。このドラマでは、主人公の一人・秋山 |
The NHK drama series "Saka no Ue no Kumo" (A Cloud over the Hill), which has been on air for two years, will come to a conclusion with Part 3 next month. This drama depicts how one of the leading characters, Yoshifuru Akiyama, led a cavalry brigade to fight against the Russians in the Russo-Japanese War. This brigade was based in Okubo district of Narashino. |
日露戦争と習志野の関わりというと、他にも大きな出来事がありました。現在の東習志野一丁目から五丁目にかけての広大な範囲に、日露戦争で捕虜になったロシア兵の収容施設がありました。習志野 |
Apart from cavalry brigades, there was another event that deeply relates Narashino to the Russo-Japanese war. That is, one of the POW camps for Russian soldiers was established in the wide area that corresponds to today's Higashi-Narashino block 1 through block 5. The camp was called "Narashino Furyo Shuyojo". "Furyo" is an older way of saying "Horyo" (war prisoners). |
日露戦争でのロシア将兵の捕虜は約8万人。このうち約7万2千人が日本に送られ、全国29か所の収容所に収容されました。習志野俘虜収容所は明治38(1905)年3月に開設されましたが、建物の建設が間に合わず、捕虜たちは当初写真1のようにテント暮らしでした。建物が完成したのはこの年の秋で、収容人数も約1万5千人に達しています(大阪の浜寺収容所に次ぐ規模)。ほとんどが下士官以下の兵卒で、将校はいませんでした。 | The number of Russian war prisoners from the Russo-Japanese War was about 80,000, out of which about 72,000 were sent to Japan and taken in 29 camps across the country. The Narashno camp was opened in March, 1905. But the construction of the camp had not been completed yet by the time the prisoners arrived. They had to live in tents, as shown in the Photograph 1. Construction was completed in autumn of the same year. By then, the number of inmates had reached as many as 15,000, the second-highest behind the Hamadera camp in Osaka. The Russian prisoners taken in Narashino monstly consisted of common soldiers. There was no officer among them. |
当時はまだ外国人が珍しい時代で、収容所の周りには多くの見物人がやってきたそうです。そして捕虜や見物人、収容所の建設に携わる職人相手の商店ができるなど、収容所周辺は一時的ににぎわっていたようです。 | Apparently the camp attracted a lot of onlookers because, back then, sight of foreigners was not as commonplace as today in Japan. Shops sprang up to serve inmates, onlookers and construction workers. The neighbourhoods centered around the camp became lively. |
日露の講和により、11月から捕虜のロシアへの送還が始まり、収容所は翌39年1月に閉鎖されました。この場所は習志野演習場を使用する部隊が一時的に宿泊する施設(高津 |
The prisoners started to be sent back to Russia in November, in accordance with the peace treaty. The camp was closed down in January the following year. The facility was reused as an accomodation for troops who trained in the Narashino Exercise Area for a while. Part of the site was also used to construct the German POWs camp during the second world war. |
(和文出典: http://www.city.narashino.lg.jp/konnamachi/walk/sansaku/h23/sansaku127.html ロシア兵捕虜収容所)